Messy Bun Hats

The craze of the Messy Bun Hat has taken us by surprise, but we get great joy in reinventing a vintage look. I hope to be adding TONS for your pleasure. If you need to make any messy bun hat into a full beanie, you can do so by adding two more rounds before your decrease round and cinch the top together by using your tail and a darning needle. Pick up the front loop of each stitch around and then gently pull it closed and weaving your ends. It should be perfect! I tried it out and I’ve been meaning to make a video. As soon as I find the time, it will be up.

I love these so much; so, I'm dedicating this page to some of my own messy bun hat designs as well as links to a few friends' designs.


Gallery of my Messy Bun Hats

These are my dear friend Mistie's Messy Bun Hats.